Alumnus in Africa

A doctoral student under the auspices of GWC’s Evangelical Research Fellowship, Tekalign Negewo, returned to his

home country of Ethiopia in September 2021 having submitted his doctoral thesis in New Testament studies for examination. Tekalign wrote to us in thanks and brought us up- to-date with his current ministry work.

“Greetings from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,

I am writing this email to acknowledge the enormous support I received from George Whitefield College through the Evangelical Research Fellowship to undertake a PhD study in New Testament at Stellenbosch University. Without the support I got from your institution, I would not (be) able to finish my study. Therefore, I want to thank you. Now I have submitted my paper and am waiting for the examination and defense. Recently I have signed an agreement to work as a Translation Advisor with Wycliffe Ethiopia Bible Translation Association (WEBTA) and also I have an offer to teach on a part-time basis at Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology as well as Evangelical Theological College.”

Students from the ERF generally go on to teach at seminaries or to minister at churches in Africa. Through their participation in the ERF’s stimulating intellectual environment, these students receive an advanced-level education that better equips them as theologians and teachers that will shape the church in Africa.

Click more to learn about ERF

Watch this video: Postgraduate students at GWC discuss THE CHURCH IN AFRICA