GWC’s foundation is based on the authority of God’s divine Word. Every module and program is established and guided by the revealed Word of God. Along with the college’s desire to remain faithful to the Bible is their aspiration to send out men and women for ministry. As countless men and women are equipped and sent out with a firm theological education, they must aspire to have a joyful and fulfilling ministry—in addition to a faithful one.
I was recently given the opportunity to preach to the college and turned to the example of John the Baptist to make this case. For, among other things, we learn two things from him, which will help gospel workers to have a joyful and fulfilling ministry.
Firstly, theological education equips us to be faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ. And that is our calling. John was divinely called to be a witness of Jesus Christ (John 1:6-8, 15, 19, 23, 32; 5:33). Likewise, we’re called to be witnesses to Jesus Christ as those who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). What is that calling? What is our role as Christian witnesses? It is to testify to the world about the truths of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, ascension, and second coming. So, theological training prepares us to be faithful witnesses.
Secondly, faithful witnesses don’t make much of themselves but another. That is, a witness testifies to something; in our case, someone. John the Baptist exemplifies this by exalting Jesus and directing people away from himself (John 1:19-21, 29-30). This other-person-centred message is vital for theological students because it is easy to become self-centered and competitive in academic and local church settings. Let’s not forget that John’s disciples enticed him to compete with Jesus (John 3:25-26). But faithful witnesses point away from themselves. In doing so, they are liberated for joyful and fulfilling service rather than being trapped by self-obsession. Like John, let us rejoice in making much of Christ and little of ourselves (John 3:28-31).
GWC provides students with an essential grounding in the faith, but faithfulness that lasts beyond college will say with John: “He must increase,” while “I must decrease” (John 3:30). A joyful and fulfilling ministry is one that always remembers that we are equipped to exalt Christ, wherever he sends us.

by Tumelo Matsitse – GWC Honours Student