Past GWC Students, Present REACH SA Leaders

Here are the testimonies of four men, four leaders within the denomination of REACH SA, who remember the theological training they received at George Whitefield College as having a lasting impression on their roles in ministry throughout the years.


When the recently ordained Presiding Bishop of REACH SA, Siegfried Ngubane, reflects on his time at GWC, he considers the years spent there instrumental in instilling a deep sense of purpose and commitment to the gospel mission, as well as an environment in which practical mentorship and discipleship could take place (the importance of cultivating relationships between Christian leaders has lasted long past his studying years). Siegfried is now devoted to encouraging future generations to take up the commission entrusted to them while remaining steadfast in truth, love, and unity.


From within Siegfried’s own ministry, Peter Makapela, the area Bishop of the Western Cape in REACH SA, came to his years of theological training at GWC. The experience empowered Peter to embrace church planting as his vocation, and he planted Christ Church Strand in 2007. Today, he remains passionate about establishing churches and gospel communities in the poorest areas of South Africa.


Another of GWC’s past students, Goodenough Mthembu, the area Bishop of KwaZulu-Natal and the current Rector at Christ Church Pinetown, also draws on his formative years of theological education to shape his vision for our country. He believes that his past training has laid the foundation for godly leadership and the value of wisdom learned through experience.



The final word from this group of college alumni comes through Mbulelo Maliza, presently serving as area Bishop of Gauteng. From GWC to the Townships within (what most people think is) a small region of our country, he remains certain that genuine relationships and partnerships amongst the REACH SA leaders are vital to the success of ministers and the continued health of their congregations.


If you would like to support these men by praying for them and their ministries, here are some of their own suggestions:

Goodenough Mthembu: to be faithful in his ministry of the Word and the establishment of strong, local churches within KwaZulu-Natal; Siegfried Ngubane: for increased unity among the members of REACH SA and George Whitefield College; for God’s continued guidance and discernment for the leadership of REACH SA;

Peter Makapela, that God would financially bless REACH SA which would, in turn, use the funds for church planting in impoverished areas;

Mbulelo Maliza, for a long-term solution to the lack of human and financial resources as well as the establishment of life-giving relationships within the leadership of REACH SA.

Let us then end with an exhortation by Siegfried that we may all “…steadfastly uphold the timeless truths of the gospel, demonstrating faithfulness and love in all our efforts with our primary focus being the faithful proclamation of the gospel extending Christ’s love to those in need.”